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Words of Thanks from a Client in Need

Every person who comes to NAM for help has a different story. For many, the first time they come to NAM and realize there is a place to give help in their time of need is a breath of fresh air, alleviating a burden of uncertainty from their lives.

As Thanksgiving approaches, we wanted to share the words of gratitude a client, "Katia," shared with us, to help show our thanks for all the ways you have helped NAM this year. We are humbled by the genuine emotion she expressed upon receiving services from NAM. “They have helped my family when I did not know what to do. When I was handed that voucher of food for my family, and told to drive around to the food pantry, I remember asking ‘Is this real?’

All I could do was cry, and say thank you a thousand times.

As a parent, not knowing where your family’s next meal will come from is a horrible feeling, and you feel like a failure.

All I can truly say is 'Thank You NAM.'" Katia visited NAM for the first time this November. As a first-time client, Katia began her application at Centralized Intake, and was given vouchers for groceries from our Joanne Watford Nutrition Center, where she received groceries for herself and her children.

When you give to NAM, you are creating a lifeline for people like Katia.

With the dedicated support of our many donors and community partners, NAM is able to aid parents facing the unimaginable circumstance of not being able to provide basic human needs for their children.

Like Katia, we feel overwhelming gratitude for all who have contributed to NAM this year. With this generosity, we are able to help many more like Katia, and continue to serve our neighbors who need assistance with basic human needs.

Thank you to all who helped NAM provide for Katia.

We wish you all a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving!

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